Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"We're Triplets" Photo Shoot

Let me preface this photo share by saying, #1 - it was very last minute, #2 - I am (OBVIOUSLY) not a professional model and finally, #3 - I should have taken the time to put in my contacts...but since I didn't just ignore the scruntchy face I'm making in most of these!  lol

The We're Triplets Skirts are pretty much only a custom made item because trying to get three skirts all the right sizes for someone to buy just by pretty hard!  lol but since they are a custom item I talk to you, the customer, about what you like and don't like and then show you fabrics to choose from before I ever start the skirt.  For this item I often even special order fabric.

Ok, enough nitty gritty, let's get on with the show!

and there ya have it!  (and let me just say, this skirt...SOOOOOOOOO comfy!!!!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Real Life Sunday (Posted on Monday)

My house is a wreck.  I've ALMOST given up on all of it being clean at the same time.  I was telling my husband last night that at least once a day the whole house looks pretty good...and it last for a split second before someone pulls out 5 or 10 books...or spills some juice...or...or...or.... but as I stood in my terribly messy kitchen, washing dishes, trying to get it clean enough to mess up again by fixing dinner I was reminded of something I read a while back on Money Saving Mom and I started thinking about what all the messes in our house MEAN.

For instance, the dirty dishes and messy kitchen mean that our family has gathered together and had plenty to eat.

The books littered all over every room in the house mean that learning is taking place (by ALL of us!)

The toys mean that God has blessed us with three amazing children who are able to play and enjoy in a safe environment surrounded by their parents and sibling who love them.

The material all over the playing/sewing room floor are a sign of all the business that God has blessed me with so that I might contribute to our family finances and also buy some "extras."

All in all...when I look at it this way, the mess isn't so overwhelming, or depressing for that matter.  Instead each mess reminds me of a reason to praise my awesome God!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Bubble Dress...Tutorial?

Well this isn't really a tutorial, more like a walk through or something.  And it might be completely lame.  If it is, please tell me so I can never do it again!  lol

Kessa's been asking me for quite a while if I would make her a dress with the above Tink shirt, so yesterday while I was waiting to hear back from a customer about the item I was working on I thought I'd try making her a bubble dress with this.  

So I dug through all my knits and picked out some other fabrics that coordinated well with this shirt.

Then I just start cutting.  I cut out squares and rectangles and lay them all out on top of my pattern to get a general idea of how many pieces I need (except I didn't have a pattern for this style!  lol)

After I've got what looks like will probably be enough cut out I start sewing them together.  

Once I got to this point I decided I wanted it a little longer so I sifted through my stack of scraps and found enough to make another strip at the bottom.  

After I added that I measured my bottom band and started sewing it on...only to discover that I measured incorrectly and it was, in fact, too small.  So then I added a little bit more to it (but didn't measure this time...) and it ended up too big!  lol.  I tried it on Kessa and it really does need I'll post pictures of the final product after it look more normal!  ;)  

And now...I'm off to see what else I can get sewn whilest the littles sleep.  
Happy Thursday!!!  

Friday, August 13, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come On! (part 3)

It's only a few days late...not too bad for me!  lol

(not a great picture, but the expression on her face is just pure love for me!!)

(this is the "turtle cake" we had on Sunday at my parent's house.  Mom made it all out of cupcakes, pretty cute huh?!  Now you know where I get my crafty genes. ;)

and finally...because I got busted for not showing you how messy Grace REALLY got with her cake....

and that concludes the parties!  Promise I'll start posting some "normal" stuff again next week!  lol

Happy Friday!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come On! (part 2)

I thought today I'd share some of the good ol'e one year old, dig into your cake, look gross and nasty and yet oh so cute pictures!

(let's just pretend this is practically wordless Wednesday...enjoy!)


Come back tomorrow for the continuing birthday saga...and big sister's cake!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

After some heartache here in BabyFish land the past few weeks it was good to celebrate...and celebrate...and celebrate.  Good to have these special times to reflect on the blessings God has so lavished on our family.  Good to give Him the thanks and honor for our two beautiful girls and for our marriage.

We started off the week with Kessa's 4th birthday on Tuesday.

We went to our local splash park with some friends (fenced in, no standing water for drowning worries, and free!  It doesn't get much better!!!) Then they ate lunch with us (hot dogs per the birthday girl's request) and cupcakes.  

On Friday Tim and I took Kessa shopping and out to lunch, she had a great time having us all to herself and it's really fun to have some one on one (one on two?) time sometimes!

Friday was Gracie Goo's 1st birthday!!!  I can't believe I have no children under one.  It seems so strange.

The girls opened their presents from Tim's family on Friday night and then on Saturday we had a big blow out.   The girls both got waldorf dolls (aren't they amazing?!?!  Kessa's is made by Jen at Petite Poire Boutique, we've been working together and having so much fun!  Grace's doll was made by Megan at Rainbow Dolls)

I'll save more fun pictures of cakes and party goodness for tomorrow!  Happy Monday!

Monday, August 2, 2010


So it's been forever and a day since I've blogged eh?  I've been keeping busy in the customs department though!  How about a few quick pics of some of my favorite customs?  I mean, really, who doesn't love eye candy?!

Yeah....not gonna like, I wanted to keep this one for my little guy, I LOVE the way it turned out.  So bright and funky!

What's that?  I've been gone from blogger for so long you don't know about twirl skirts for three?  Yup, mommy, daughter, and dolly can ALL match in style and comfort now.  This set flew out of the shop in a few hours, but I've got more coming up!  

and my way cute daughter sporting the new fall style.  LOVE.  LOVE the kid, love the dress, love the Robots shirt she picked, LOVE!!!

and a custom in the fall style.

Ok, that's it for now...but come back tomorrow for some random thoughts about my little girl turning FOUR!!!!!  (how did that happen?!)