Well this isn't really a tutorial, more like a walk through or something. And it might be completely lame. If it is, please tell me so I can never do it again! lol
Kessa's been asking me for quite a while if I would make her a dress with the above Tink shirt, so yesterday while I was waiting to hear back from a customer about the item I was working on I thought I'd try making her a bubble dress with this.
So I dug through all my knits and picked out some other fabrics that coordinated well with this shirt.
Then I just start cutting. I cut out squares and rectangles and lay them all out on top of my pattern to get a general idea of how many pieces I need (except I didn't have a pattern for this style! lol)
After I've got what looks like will probably be enough cut out I start sewing them together.
Once I got to this point I decided I wanted it a little longer so I sifted through my stack of scraps and found enough to make another strip at the bottom.
After I added that I measured my bottom band and started sewing it on...only to discover that I measured incorrectly and it was, in fact, too small. So then I added a little bit more to it (but didn't measure this time...) and it ended up too big! lol. I tried it on Kessa and it really does need fixed...so I'll post pictures of the final product after it look more normal! ;)
And now...I'm off to see what else I can get sewn whilest the littles sleep.
Happy Thursday!!!