Monday, August 23, 2010

Real Life Sunday (Posted on Monday)

My house is a wreck.  I've ALMOST given up on all of it being clean at the same time.  I was telling my husband last night that at least once a day the whole house looks pretty good...and it last for a split second before someone pulls out 5 or 10 books...or spills some juice...or...or...or.... but as I stood in my terribly messy kitchen, washing dishes, trying to get it clean enough to mess up again by fixing dinner I was reminded of something I read a while back on Money Saving Mom and I started thinking about what all the messes in our house MEAN.

For instance, the dirty dishes and messy kitchen mean that our family has gathered together and had plenty to eat.

The books littered all over every room in the house mean that learning is taking place (by ALL of us!)

The toys mean that God has blessed us with three amazing children who are able to play and enjoy in a safe environment surrounded by their parents and sibling who love them.

The material all over the playing/sewing room floor are a sign of all the business that God has blessed me with so that I might contribute to our family finances and also buy some "extras."

All in all...when I look at it this way, the mess isn't so overwhelming, or depressing for that matter.  Instead each mess reminds me of a reason to praise my awesome God!


Nancy said...

Great post! I love your perspective. Maybe I can see our mess in a positive way, too. Haha...

Carol A said...

Tears in my eyes here! Yes you are VERY am I! Love you Baby Fish!

Trisha Ashley said...

I totally understand where you're at in's so hard and then when we stop and really do think about all of these just all seems to be ok!

Jessica said...

Great post! Now if only I could convince myself that having a messy house isn't anything to get worked up's a constant battle for me! Thank you for your excellent perspective!

Unknown said...

great post, I will try to look at my messy house that way from now on. It is hard to have a perfect house with the little ones running around. I'll take the mess any day to have time with my kiddos, I Love them soo much and am so blessed to be a Mommy of three. Thanks for sharing your mess, LOL..

Kate said...

Great post, I will be printing this out to remind me to keep my sanity and be glad for the blessings in my life.

Mama B @ Generation Freedom said...

This is exactly what I try and remind myself of. I get overwhelmed or frustrated with our struggling house, but I love how mess=love and chaos=busy and blessed. Thanks for the post Gina! :)

JoyFilled said...

Wow, that is really awesome! I love that perspective.

Dominique@Delightfully Domesticated said...

Love this outlook. Really made me examine my own house mess!

Kelly Tarr said...

This is such a good reminder! It's so easy to feel overwhelmed by what needs to be done instead of seeing God's grace toward us. What a blessing it is to our husbands, too when we experience peace and gratitude. Thank you!!