Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One for the Boys

Lest you think I only have girls...or don't sew for boys...

I made this faux layered hoodie for my little dude and his BAB buddie Wheels from some of my husband and I's old Early November shirts (it's a band!  lol ;)

I also have to share this little fact that I was UBER excited about today!  Wheels has a growling "voice box" in his paw and it just up and stopped working a week or so ago.  No warning..one night at bedtime it worked, the next morning...nada.  So we took him in to the Build -a- Bear store today to see if they could fix him...and not only did they do surgery and put in a new growler, it was all complimentary!!!!  I was so excited  that I didn't have to pay for it I used the money I was planning on spending for it to buy these:  

I mean...they were JUST like the ones 'Zekiel had on...and it was just too cute to pass up!  lol

and just for fun..a few more of my cutie and Wheels...

I LOVE the one above...and want to play around with it some more, I think we could really rock that sunflair.  :)  

On a side note...when Zeke was going to bed tonight he informed me that Wheels needs some jammies...probably Cars jammies...so you can be watching for those!  lol ;)


Carol A said...

Just curious how you rock a sunflair?!!!

Tami D. said...

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! (We love BAB too for that exact same reason - they are awesome, or rather "pawsome") ;)

Unknown said...
